sup fuckers I made a website

a tumblr post told me i should make a neocities page and i loathe the steady privatization of the internet so i said "hey why the fuck not i sort of know html from ao3 anyway" and here we are


gonna be honest this is way easier than i thought it would be


worst part is the lack of autocorrect honestly like


i'm supposed to capitalize letters? and hit all the right keys in the right order? gross




ok i guess that's not like

a whole site worth of stuff

so i should add more




(fuck what do i write)


did you know whale penises are like

several feet long

because i do and that knowledge haunts me

each day i awaken and go

oh my god

whale dicks are several feet long

like they just swim around all day

dicks out

god i wish that were me

why can't i be that free